Looking for help

In the Wrocław hospice, we are ready for any form of help for the family and children.

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to register a child for care

If your child is seriously ill, you can take advantage of the help of the “Wrocław Hospice for Children” Foundation. Please send us the necessary documents by e-mail or by traditional mail to process your request. You can find a list of these documents below:

Krok 1

Podanie, w którym określisz, jakiej opieki potrzebuje dziecko (zakres pomocy)

Krok 2

Ważne skierowanie (zgodne z aktualnymi wymogami NFZ) lub jego kopia

Krok 3

Historię choroby dziecka – dokumentacja medyczna, która da nam pełną wiedzę na temat stanu zdrowia dziecka, przebiegu choroby

Krok 4

Pełne dane dziecka (imię, nazwisko, pesel)

Krok 5

Twoje dane do kontaktu (adres, telefon, e-mail)

Step 1

Important referral(in accordance with the current requirements of the National Health Fund) or a copy thereof

Step 2

Child's medical history - medical documentation that will give us full knowledge about the child's health and the course of the disease

Step 3

Complete details of the child (name, surname, PESEL)

Step 4

Your contact details (address, telephone number, e-mail)

Send the documents to the following address: podanie@hospicjum.wroc.pl or by post to the following address:

Fundacja Wrocławskie Hospicjum dla Dzieci
ul. Jedności Narodowej 47/47a/49a

50-260 Wrocław.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone: 511 450 966

What's next?

After receiving the documents, we will contact you to schedule a medical visit. Such a meeting should take place up to 4 weeks from the receipt of the documents.

A decision will be made on the basis of consultations and documents submitted to the Foundation “Wrocławskie Hospicjum dla Dzieci”.